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Sun Protection – Factors and you…

SPF is a measure of how much solar energy (UV radiation) is required to produce sunburn on protected skin (i.e., in the presence of sunscreen) relative to the amount of solar energy required to produce sunburn on unprotected skin. As the SPF value increases, sunburn...

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Spring 2024 – Best Sellers – With Review

1. NON STOP BLACK - POWER TAN Sunbeds, or the sun, dont paint your skin, they stimulate your own body to produce a chemical called melanin, this is a protective element designed by the human body to condition it to UV rays. Melanin turns your skin brown when UV is...

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Established brands seem to follow the same path. Produce a product that is very good but expensive to produce. Build the brand, and then the standards slip. The ethos of supplying something that makes the wearer feel good in a quality product suddenly disappears with...

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Why does sunshine make us feel good.

Well it does, who would deny it. Humans relationship with sunlight is very complex. Its been very noticable over the past week of fairly good weather how the nations mood has lifted. This article by Healthline is quite good reading....

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Why do people use sunbeds?

Why do people use sunbeds?

Well that's a stupid obvious question. Or is it? Most people would be very surprised at the wide and varied reasons for sunbed use. Im blogging as someone who sits at a desk and talks to people who come in, i make no claim to the validity of what they say. I think the...

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The Power of Vitamin D

More and more studies are showing a clear beneficial link between levels of vitamin D and the bodies response to Covid 19. When sunlight hits your skin, it converts cholesterol into vitamin D, which helps build strong bones, and plays a beneficial role in our immune...

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